Directory of Learning Resources

Index of Resources

Do you know of any other resources we should be listing here? is one of our favorite resources for learning and attention issues.

Numbers n Brains

As our clinic as a group gets ready to attend this Friday’s conference on the Neuropsychology of Math sponsored by AET, I can’t help but run through some of my thoughts on math that come up in session, at recent conference presentations, and in clinic team meetings....

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Why some of us learn more from experience

I’m always amazed when clients really turn things around.  Or perhaps I’m more amazed when they don’t turn things around.  Regardless, it is undeniable that success breeds success.  When she gains that confidence reading, so many other things fall into place.  When he...

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“It is more common than you can imagine.

You are not alone. And while you will have this the rest of your life, you can dart between the raindrops to get where you want to go and it will not hold you back.”
— Steven Spielberg, Director